Indigenous R&D,Technology Imports and Industrial Productivity across Regions of China
Title:  Indigenous R&D,Technology Imports and Industrial Productivity across Regions of China
Author: Wu    Yanbing
Organization:  中国社会科学院
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Conference presentation:  CES 2008 Annual Conference: New Phase of China's Economic Development
Abstract:  The paper is dedicated to probing into the effects of indigenous R&D, foreign and domestic technology imports on industrial productivity across regions of China by using the province-level panel data from 1996 to 2003. Based on the expanded production function and calculating the stocks of R&D and technology imports, the paper finds that indigenous R&D and foreign technology import have significantly positive effects on productivity and domestic technology import have no significant effects on it by using fixed effects and first difference models. The paper also finds that the lower absorptive capacity of indigenous R&D cumbers the productivity growth. The relationships among R&D, foreign technology import and productivity also take on different patterns in different regions: R&D has significantly positive effects on productivity only in central and east regions, while foreign technology import has significantly positive effects on productivity only in west regions. Different technical development and innovation capacity in different regions may be the main reasons of the phenomena.
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