CHPAMS 2nd Biennial Conference: Advances in Health Policy and Healthcare, Yale University

Advances in Health Policy and Healthcare: The Road Ahead


China Health Policy and Management Society

2nd Biennial Conference


A Celebration of the 10th Anniversary of China Health Policy and Management Society



 Yale University

May 11-13, 2018




China Medical Board

Yale School of Public Health

Yale Macmillan Center

Yale-China Association

Chinese Economists Society

Global Labor Organization



Opening Addresses

Consulate General of the People's Republic of China in New York

China Medical Board

China Health Policy and Management Society

Yale School of Public Health


Keynote Speakers

Lincoln Chen, M.D., President, China Medical Board

Paul Cleary, Ph.D., Anna M.R. Lauder Professor of Public Health; Former Dean, Yale School of Public Health

Michael Grossman, Ph.D., Professor and Director of Health Economics Program, National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER); Advisory Board Member, CHPAMS

T Paul Schultz, Ph.D., Malcolm K. Brachman Professor Emeritus in Economics; Former Director of Economic Growth Center, Yale University

Sten H. Vermund, M.D., Ph.D., Anna M.R. Lauder Professor of Public Health; Dean, Yale School of Public Health

Gonghuan Yang, M.D., Professor and Former Vice Director, China National CDC

Winnie Yip, Ph.D., Professor of Global Health Policy and Economics, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health; Advisory Board Member, CHPAMS


Invited Sessions and Panels


Special Session: "Mining Gold" from Big Data in Healthcare

Hongyu Zhao, Department Chair and Ira V. Hiscock Professor of Biostatistics, Professor of Genetics, Statistics and Data Science, Yale University

Shuangge Steven Ma, Professor of Biostatistics, Yale School of Public Health


Roundtable: Healthy China 2030 (TBC)

Paul Cleary, Anna M.R. Lauder Professor of Public Health; Former Dean, Yale School of Public Health

Harlan M Krumholz, Harold H. Hines, Jr. Professor of Medicine; Director, Center for Outcomes Research and Evaluation, Yale-New Haven Hospital


Special Session: Behavioral Health Innovations

Jody L. Sindelar, Professor of Public Health (Health Policy) and Economics, Yale University

and Entrepreneurs from Health Tech Companies


Roundtable: Environment, Climate Change and Health

(Joint with Yale Climate Change and Health Initiative)

Robert Dubrow, Faculty Director of the Climate Change and Health Initiative, Yale University

Yawei Zhang, Section Chief Surgical Outcomes and Epidemiology, Yale Department of Surgery; Associate Professor, Yale School of Public Health


Special Session: Environment and Human Capital

(Joint with Global Labor Organization)


Special Reception: Celebrating 10th Anniversary of CHPAMS



Purpose: This is the 2nd biennial meeting of China Health Policy and Management Society (CHPAMS) and its official journal China Health Review. The meeting’s theme is Advances in Health Policy and Healthcare: The Road Ahead, with a special focus on Healthy China 2030 national blueprint. Since October 2016, Healthy China 2030 (HC 2030), a national program of action to promote the health of 1.3 billion Chinese population, has been central to the Chinese Government’s agenda for health and development, and has the potential to benefit the rest of the world. This conference aims to bridge our minds and draw upon global wisdom in the advances of health policy and health care in China. Participants will include national health officials from China, U.S. public health NGO representatives, world-class scholars from the U.S., China, and other regions in the world, entrepreneurs in the health sector, and so on. Through this platform, participants will have the opportunity to establish professional networks with leaders in the field and enhance their professional career development. The Board of Directors of CHPAMS and Editorial Board of CHR will host business meetings and communicate with engaged members to further promote the organization and the journal to a new stage.



Call for abstracts and organized sessions: The call for abstracts and proposed sessions for CHPAMS Biennial Meetings to be held at Yale University May 11-13, 2018 is now open! We welcome abstracts and sessions on any public health issues in the fields of health economics, system science, global health, health policy, health care management, and/or epidemiology, preferably related to China. Methodological or theoretical innovations related to health policy and management are also encouraged. Organized sessions and individual abstracts will be accepted for consideration by the Scientific Committee. If an organized session is not accepted, the papers included in that session will be considered as individual abstract submissions; abstracts not accepted for oral presentation will be considered for poster presentation. Notification of acceptance will be made no later than January 15, 2018.


Please use our co-sponsor Chinese Economists Society’s online submission page to submit individual abstracts now through December 31, 2017. Each abstract submission should include authors’ names, affiliation, and the corresponding author’s contact information. A 250-word structured abstract (introduction, method, results, and discussion) is expected.


Each organized session should consist of 3-4 individual papers. Each proposal should contain a tentative name of the session, titles of papers along with their abstracts, as well as names and e-mails of session presenters. If you would like to organize one or more sessions on a specific topic and have speakers/presenters lined up, please submit your proposal to Dr. Zhuo (Adam) CHEN for approval at by December 15th, 2017.


At least one of the coauthors need to be a registered member of CHPAMS. When submitting the abstract, please indicate which coauthor(s) is a CHPAMS member. CHPAMS membership is open to all with no membership fee. To register, please visit



The Best Abstract Award: All authors, whether submitting through individual abstracts or organized sessions, have the option to indicate whether this abstract will compete for “Best Abstract Award.” The winner will receive $200 plus a certificate, and the full article will be invited to be published in the fall 2018 issue of China Health Review.



Conference Registration and Travel Support

1. Registration fee is $100 (by April 15, 2018) and $150 (starting from April 16, 2018), which covers conference materials, food, and other services.

2. For all CHPAMS registered members who are current students and pay the conference registration fee by March 31, 2018, CHPAMS will provide $100 travel subsidy to the attendees.

3. Limited number of travel fellowships ($250) will be provided for students who pay the conference registration fee and whose abstract is accepted for oral presentation. To apply, email with an updated CV.

4. To receive any of the incentives, participants must be registered as a CHPAMS member on and pay the conference registration fee.

Note: CES is our partner organization providing the conference website hosting service. Registering with CES website is FREE unless you choose to become a paid member, which qualifies you to benefits of full CES membership. If you just want to register without becoming a paid member, make sure you select the “Skip My Payment” option in Step 3.  You are not required to be a paid CES member to register for CHPAMS conference.

注意:注册CES登录是免费的,一旦注册登录就可递交论文或提要及报名注册年会。如果您仅需免费注册登录,请在注册过程的第三步选择“Skip My Payment”。 参与CHPAMS年会不需要成为CES付费会员。



Job Placement Service:

We call for participation of Chinese universities or other entities to recruit talents during the CHPAMS Biennial Conference. CHPAMS will provide the platform of job matching, including organized introduction and Q&A sessions, interview tables and rooms.  Participating institutions will also be invited to become CHPAMS institutional members. For questions, email Dr. Xi Chen at Yale University (


Meeting Facilities

Yale School of Public Health (May 11)

Yale Macmillan Center (May 12)


Team building activities:

May 2018 marks the 10th anniversary of China Health Policy and Management Society. We will have team building events, and attendants are welcome to participate and arrange their departures from New Haven, CT.

May 12, 2018: Yale campus tour to the historical sites of China’s Grand Cross-cultural Educational Experiment (大清留美幼童运动) and Yale-China Association (雅礼中国协会)

May 13, 2018: hiking in the East Rock Park, New Haven, CT.



Important Dates

December 15, 2017

Deadline for submitting organized sessions

December 31, 2017

Deadline for submitting abstracts

January 15, 2018

Notification of acceptance

March 31, 2018

Deadline for students to pay the conference registration fee in order to receive travel subsidy and be considered travel fellowships

May 11-13, 2018

Conference Dates