Chow Fund Teaching Awards in 2012

Title Chow Fund Teaching Awards in 2012
Date 2012-03-26

With the generous support from the Gregory and Paula Chow Foundation, the CES is pleased to announce six fellowship awardees for short-term teaching in Chinese universities in the 2011-2012 academic year. Each fellowship will provide a stipend of US$2,500 in this academic year (Sept 1, 2011 to August 31, 2012). The total amount is US$15,000.

1) Qualifications and Criteria

 The selection of awardees of the teaching grants was based on the applicant’s knowledge of the subject and teaching experience; broad participation by Chinese universities; the need for economics and management education in China; and a timely and complete application submission. Each CES Teaching Fellow will teach a full course at their host university during the summer 2012.

 2) Award Screening Process

The award was announced in the CES Web site in March 2012 - Call for Applicants in September 2011. The CES Board of Directors screened 8 Applicants and accepted 6 applicants. All accepted applicants were informed on March 26, 2012 and required to submit their final report upon competition of their teaching.

 3) The Award Winners

1. Professor Jiujie Zhang, University of California, San Diego, will teach Energy Economics in the School of Environment at Tsinghua University.

 2. Professor Xinghe Wang, University of Missouri - Columbia, will teach Advanced Topics in Microeconomics & Industrial Organization in the Institute of Industrial Economics at Jinan University.

3. Professor Lu Zhou, The City College of New York and the Graduate Center, CUNY, will teach Economics of Development in Henan Institute of Science and Technology.

 4. Professor Paul Mcnelis, Fordham University, will teach Advanced Computational Methods in Finance and Macroeconomics in Shanghai Institute of Foreign Trade.

 5. Professor Xiaohui Hou, World Bank Institute, will teach Economics of Health and Social Protection – Theories and Applications in Developing Countries in Shanxi School of Finance and Economic.

 6. Professor Kevin H. Zhang, Illinois State University, will teach Advanced International Economics in Ningxia University. 
