Chow Fund Teaching Awards in 2007

Title Chow Fund Teaching Awards in 2007
Date 2007-09-12
File Chow Teaching 07 Awards for web.doc

The CES-Chow Short-Term Teaching Program

Successful Applicants for Summer 2007

With the support from the Gregory and Paula Chow Foundation, the CES Teaching Fellowship Committee has awarded five qualified applicants to teach in China in the summer of 2007.  The selection of awardees of the teaching grants was based on the applicant’s knowledge of the subject and teaching experience; broad participation by Chinese universities; the need for economics and management education in China; and a timely and complete application submission.  Each CES Teaching Fellow will teach a full course at their host university during the summer, 2007. 
Congratulations to the following successful applicants:
1. Professor Qingbin Wang, University of Vermont, will teach Quantitative Management Science at Ningxia University.
2. Professor Tony Fang, York University, will teach Labor Economics & Human Resource Management at Shandong University.
3. Professor Zili Yang, State University of NY, Binghamton, will teach Resource & Environmental Economics at Beijing Forestry University.
4. Professor Sheng Xiao, Furman University, will teach Econometrics at Southwest University of Finance & Economics, Chengdu.
5. Professor Liangzhi You, International Food Policy Research Institute, will teach Evaluation of Agricultural R&D at Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan.