
The 2015 China Annual Conference was held at Chongqing University, Guangzhou, on June 13-14. 2015. The conference was hosted by the Faculty of Social Sciences, School of Economics and Business Administration and the School of Public Affairs of Chongqing University.  The conference’s theme was “In the Context of “New Normal” Theory: Deepening the Comprehensive Reform in China”. Qifan Huang (Chongqing Mayor), Yali Zhang (Deputy Administrator, State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs), Xuhong Zhou (President of Chongqing University), and Lizheng Shi (President of CES) delivered speeches at the opening ceremony.  There were more than 400 participants from China and many othercountries. This conference promoted exchanges of academic ideas related to the Chinese economy. In addition to more than 230 presentations, the conference included six keynote lectures, two of which were given by Nobel Laureates in Economics: Professor Kenneth J. Arrow and Sir. James Mirrlees.  Distinguished economists Torsten Persson, Shangjin Wei, Justin Yifu Lin and Weiyin Zhang also delivered keynote speeches in plenary sessions. There were five round table forums on the important topics including air population, health form, Chinese currency internationalization, state-owned enterprise transformation, and China’s national development strategy.  The conference attracted more than 30 Chinese Media organizations which led to some media coverage (,