
The CES hosted its annual business meeting in 2015 at the ASSA Conference in Boston on January 3, 2015 from 6 to 7:30 pm. The CES president Dr. SHI Lizheng and two current board members, Drs, ZHANG Qi, and LIU Xuefeng, welcomed over 100 CES members, including honorable lifetime member, Dr. Gregory Chow, and past presidents (Dr. HAI Wen, Dr. Tony Fang, Dr. NI Jinlan, and Dr. Jack Hou).

Dr. Shi first introduced the annual CES conference at Chongqing University on June 13-14, 2015. The beautiful slides and humorous introduction really excited the audience. Dr. Shuming Bao, The Executive Director of CES and Director for the China Data Center at the University of Michigan, provided a brief update on the CES North American conference to be hosted by the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor on March 14-15, 2015.

Dr. Zhang, the current board director of CES, introduced senior administrators from five Chinese universities that are making oversea recruitment at CES business meeting. Dr. GAO Baozhong, Vice Dean of the School of Economics at Henan University, held the first recruitment speech. His speech was followed by two speeches by Hunan University VIPs, Dr. ZHANG Qiang, Executive Vice President, and Mr. ZHAO Yahui, Deputy Director of the Office of International Cooperation, using their beautiful slides of Changsha and Hunan University. Nankai University held their speech with an 8-minute video, which was very professional and informative.  Mr. Haibin, Deputy Director of Human Resources briefly introduced the policies for talents. Dr. BAI Jushan, Founding Dean of the School of Finance, introduced the new School which will be launched in Spring 2015 with more than 50 open faculty positions. Dr. HAI Wen, Founding Dean of Peking University HSBC Business School (PHBS), is also one of the founding members of the CES and its 8th president. He shared his experience on serving  CES during  the last twenty years. Then he presented the opportunities in the newly established PHBS in Shenzhen. Last but not the least, Dr. WANG Renzeng, Executive Dean of the School of Economics and Commerce at South China University of Technology, provided a comprehensive review of the opportunities and packages for qualified candidates. The audience appreciated the introductions with rounds of applauses.

Dr. Chow and his wife, Paula, came to the reception to show their full support. He briefly reviewed the history of CES and mentioned two more significant founding members: YU Dahai and Yang Xiaokai.  Everybody in the room showed their respect to him with warm applauses. Dr. Liu, the current board director of CES, introduced the guidelines how to apply for the Chow short-term teaching fellowship. The fellowship will be an important incentive for oversea trained economists to teach in China.

Finally, President Shi concluded the business meeting and thanked everybody for their support. He welcomed the audience to participate in the dinner in a local Chinese restaurant. Although the weather was not perfect, over 30 participants enjoyed the diner in a warm, family-like atmosphere.

Note on the picture: Dr. Gregory Chow, Past CES Presidents, current CES President and Board Members in Boston Marriott Copley on January 3, 2015.