CES Event   2024-01-06

Topic CES Business Meeting and Reception 2024 San Antonio, Texas
Organizer CES
Location San Antonio, Texas
Contact Yonghong An
Date 2024-01-06  
File 2024 ASSAAEA CES Business Meeting and Reception.pdf

Dear CES Members and Friends,

We are delighted to invite you to the CES Business Meeting and Reception during the AEA/ASSA meetings in San Antonio, TX. This year, we are excited to announce that over 175 participants (84 in-person and 91 online) have registered to join our event, promising a dynamic and engaging gathering.

Event Details:

CES Business Meeting and Reception

  • Date & Time: Saturday, January 6, 2024, from 6-8 PM (CST)
  • Location: Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center, Room 224

This reception will feature 10 of our CES institutional members discussing their recruiting plans, offering a prime opportunity for those in search of job prospects. We also warmly welcome anyone looking to network, enjoy a drink, and reconnect with colleagues, both new and old.

For more information, including meeting links and details about the recruiting universities, please refer to the "2024 ASSA/AEA CES Business Meeting and Reception.pdf" document attached above.

Dinner Gathering Post-Reception:

  • Time: 8:30 - 10:00 PM
  • Venue: To be announced shortly.

Following the reception, we invite you to join us for dinner at a local restaurant, providing an excellent opportunity for relaxed socializing with fellow CES members. Kindly note that each attendee will be responsible for their own dining expenses.

We eagerly look forward to your participation and to sharing an enjoyable and insightful evening together.

Warm regards,

Yonghong An
Board of Directors, Chinese Economists Society (2023-2024)
Professor of Economics, Texas A&M University

Yang Jiao
Board of Directors, Chinese Economists Society (2023-2024)
Assistant Professor of Economics, Texas A&M University Texarkana

Carl Lin
President, Chinese Economists Society (2023-2024)
Associate Professor of Economics, Bucknell University