The 11th Annual Conference by Consortium for Western China Development studies
Address:Southwest University for Nationalities

The 11th Annual Conference by Consortium for Western China Development studies


Call for Paper


Time: July 9, 2016

Address: Chengdu, Sichuan, China


Theme: Expand the new space of regional development and the development in Western China


Sponsored by:

Consortium for Western China Development studies


Co-sponsored by:

School of Economics, Southwest University for Nationalities

Center for West Ethnic Economic Research

Chinese Economists Society


The Consortium for Western China Development studies (CWCDS) is pleased to invite you to the 11th Annual Conference on the construction of a prosperous society and the development in western China. The Conference will be held in Southwest University for Nationalities (


The CWCDS is an academic platform for worldwide researchers devoted to the research on the development issues of western area of China. The conferences have gained great support from the Office of Western China Development, State Council, Professor Wu, Jinglian, and Prof. Jeffrey D. Sachs of Columbia University, a Special Advisor to United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, who has been a frequent participant of the conferences.


Important Dates:

April 30, 2016: Submission deadline for Research Papers, Research in Progress papers, Panels, Workshops and Tutorials.

May 30, 2016: Accept/Reject Notification

June 30, 2016: Deadline for Submission of Final versions of Accepted papers


The Topics include but are not limited to the following:

“The Belt and Road Initiative” and the Development of Western Area of China

Regional cooperative development system

The regional development of Yangtze River Economic Zone

Research on the horizontal and vertical economic zone along the Yangtze River and Ocean.

Regional difference among ethnic minority groups

Sustainable development of less developed area

Transition of economic of western area

The outlook of the regional cooperative development


Research Submission Guidelines

1. Unpublished original completed research papers either in English or in Chinese. Please refer to the submission guidelines of Economics Research Journal and Management World. Both the electronic copy and hard copy (A4) are required.

2. The correspondence address for the conference is: Add: #16, South Section,1st Ring Road, Chengdu, Sichuan, China, 610041, Prof. Shan, Depeng, (+86) 028-85523631. Please submit before June 30th, 2016 and indicate on the envelopment that “the submission for 11th Annual Conference by CWCDS.


Publication Opportunities:

The conference will invite experts to review all the submissions. With the approval of the authors, all papers will be included in the conference proceedings. Top papers have the chance to be considered for peer review publication or be recommended to journals including Economic Research Journal, Management World, China Population Science, Revolution, Economic Theory and Business Management, Issues on Agricultural

Economics, Journal of Southwest University for Nationalities (Humanities and Social Science), ecological economics, Western China Development Review, and etc.


Conference Fees:

Conference Registration fee for faculty or professional is $70 before June 30, 2016, and is $100 afterward. The registration fee is $30 per student.

The transportation and lodging is on the participants of the conference.