CER Best Paper Awards

Title CER Best Paper Awards
Date 2020-08-28

Dear CES members and friends:
The Elsevier Awards for the Best Papers published in China Economic Review in 2019 have been awarded to:
- Automation and inequality in China By Yixiao Zhou, Rod Tyers. In this paper, a stylized model with three households and separable TFP and factor bias suggests a third of the decline in the low-skill share since 1994 is due to structural change and the rest mainly to skill-biased technical change.
- China's explicit social security debt: How large? By Chengjian Li, Shuanglin Lin. This paper assesses the debt in China's social security individual accounts. It shows detailed calculations of the revenue, the anticipated funds, expenditures, and the debt in the individual accounts since their inception in 1997.
The China Economic Review editorial board conducted the review and selection. Criteria for the awards include: Significance for Economics and for the Chinese economy; Methods and Innovation; and Writing.
Congratulations to the award winners.
Junfu Zhang
President, Chinese Economists Society (2019-20)
Professor, Director of Graduate Studies
Department of Economics
Clark University
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Worcester, MA 01610
Phone: (508) 793-7247