Announcement of CES 2020 Election Results

Title Announcement of CES 2020 Election Results
Date 2020-07-21

Dear CES Members,

Thank you for your participation in the recent CES elections. It is my great pleasure to announce
the election results for the CES President-Elect and six Board of Directors of 2020-2021. Congratulations
to all of them!
Guodong (Gordon) Gao, Professor, University of Maryland

Board of Directors:
- Huan Xie (Associate Professor, Concordia University)
- Xin (Sherry) Li (Professor, University of Arkansas)
- Karen Yan (Assistant Professor, Georgia Technology University)
- Yang Jiao (Assistant Professor, Fort Hays State University)
- Jianhua Zhang (Professor & Dean, Huazhong University of Science and Technology)
- Lijia Wei (Professor, Wuhan University)

The elected CES President-Elect will assume office on September 1st, 2021 as CES President and the six
Board of Directors will assume office on September 1st, 2020 to work together with Professor Li Qi, the
incoming CES President. CES officers are tasked with important duties, as CES President is responsible
for the overall management of CES.
Zongwu Cai, University of Kansas, Regent Chair, Voting Member
Zhuo Chen, University of Georgia and University of Nottingham Ningbo China,
Jun Ma, Northeastern University, Voting Member
Jack Hou, California State University, Long Beach, Voting Member
Jason Yin, Seton Hall University, Voting Member
Ding Lu, Shanghai Tech University, Voting Member
Jinlan Ni, University of Nebraska at Omaha, Voting Member
Shuming Bao, China Data Institute, Non-voting Member
Junfu Zhang, Clark University, President, Non-voting Member
Li Qi, Agnes Scott College, President-Elect, Non-voting Member