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CES's efforts in fighting the coronavirus epidemic

Title CES's efforts in fighting the coronavirus epidemic
Date 2020-02-29

Dear CES Members:

I am glad to report that the CES Finance Committee has decided to set aside $80,000 for fighting the coronavirus epidemic. An ad hoc operating committee was established, consisting of six former CES presidents and myself, to supervise the use of this fund. Through a group of volunteers at the Cleveland Clinic, we paid $8,800 to purchase 2800 protective goggles, which (together with other donated goods) will be shipped to hospitals in Wuhan.

We will spend the rest of this fund with a priority on supporting academic research/events related to this coronavirus epidemic.

Thank you and best wishes,


Junfu Zhang

President, Chinese Economists Society (2019-20)

Professor, Director of Graduate Studies

Department of Economics

Clark University

950 Main Street

Worcester, MA 01610

Phone: (508) 793-7247

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