Call for Applications to the CES-Chow Fellowships for Short-Term Teaching in China for the 2022-2023 Academic Year

Title 2023 CES-Chow Fellowships for Short-Term Teaching
Date 2023-04-25



Call for Applications to The Chinese Economists Society (CES)

Chow Fellowships for Short-Term Teaching in China

April 24, 2023


With the generous support from the Gregory and Paula Chow Foundation, CES is pleased to announce the plan to award up to four fellowships for short-term teaching, aiming to promote economics education in China. This year, CES will team up with Liaoning University and invite scholars to participate in short-term teaching at Liaoning University. Each fellowship will provide a stipend of US$2,500. In addition, Liaoning University will provide each teacher with a $1,500 transportation allowance, and will cover lodging and meals during the teaching period.


The specific plan is as follows:


Class Time: June 15-25 for ten teaching days.

Level:  Graduate (some junior faculties may also attend)

Subject: The host university is quite open. You are welcomed to teach basic core classes (Macro, Micro or Metrics) or field classes (Trade, IO, Labor, Public, Health, Environment etc)


1. Eligibility of Applicants

(1) The applicant must be a CES members based outside of mainland China.

(2) The applicant must hold a Ph.D. degree or ABD (All but dissertation, with appropriate supporting documents) in economics or management, awarded by a research university in North America.

(3) The applicant must be able to teach at Liaoning University form June 15-25 (10 teaching days).

(4) The awardees of the teaching fellowship must agree to submit to the CES teaching committee a report within 2 weeks after the completion of their teaching.

2. Application Procedure

(1) A complete application for the teaching position should include the following:
(i) A letter of application, including the teaching topic, the course title, the teaching schedule including the number of contact hours; whether the applicant has applied for the fellowship previously and whether the prior application was successful. 

(ii) A syllabus that includes the content of the course, textbook(s), references, the arrangement of examinations, and the schedule of the lectures.

(iii) A copy of the applicant’s abbreviated curriculum vitae (2-3 pages).


 (2) The initial application (including items (i), (ii), and (iii) above) can be sent to Dr. YUAN Jia, Coordinator of the Chow Teaching Program of the CES Board at the address below, by email.  



University of Macau, Macau


3. Selection of Awardees

(1) The CES teaching committee will review all applications, select awardees, and notify all applicants of its decisions.

(2) The selection of awardees of the teaching fellowships will be based on the following considerations:
(i) The applicant’s qualifications;
(ii) Soundness of the teaching plan and quality of syllabus;

(iii) The need of the proposed course instruction in the host university.

The deadline for the applications is May 20, 2023

4. The Financial Award

(1) A successful applicant will be awarded a lump-sum stipend of US$2,500. The award will be paid after the awardee completes his/her teaching in China and submits the instructor’s final report.

(2) An awardee will also obtain additional compensation mentioned above from Liaoning University to help cover travel expenses.

(3) Should an awardee obtain from other sources financial support that goes beyond compensation for living and travel expenses, the CES may withdraw or reduce the stipend. The awardee should notify CES of such financial support as soon as he/she has accepted it. Applying for funding from other sources, however, will not affect the selection of the awardees. The CES is trying to optimize the use of limited resources to fund more members who wish to teach in China.



