Call For Papers: CES Sessions at the 2024 ASSA Conference

Title Call For Papers: CES Sessions at the 2024 ASSA Conference
Date 2023-04-06

Call For Papers: CES Sessions at the 2024 ASSA Conference

The Chinese Economists Society (CES) invites submissions for three CES sessions at the 2024 ASSA meeting, which will be held on January 5–7, 2024 (Friday, Saturday, Sunday) in San Antonio, Texas, USA. Please email your submissions to Dr. Qihong Liu (University of Oklahoma, or Dr. Mo Xiao(University of Arizona,, the CES Program Co-Chairs for the 2024 ASSA conference.

The submission deadline is May 15th, 2023, and the decision will be announced by June 20th, 2023.

Both individual paper submissions and session proposals are welcome. For individual paper submission, each submission should include: 

-title of the paper

-authors and affiliations

-one sentence description of no more than 280 characters

-abstract of no more than 300 words

-three keywords

-the pdf file of the paper (optional, but encouraged)


We especially encourage session proposals. Session proposals should have a unifying theme and include four papers. For session submission, please include a title for the session, the email contact of the chair/organizer, and the discussant for each paper, in addition to the required information as listed above for each individual paper included in the session.

Submission of papers or proposals requires active CES membership for at least one author of each paper. We welcome papers and sessions in all fields of economics while priority may be given to papers that are related to the Chinese economy.

If included in the program, presenters must send their papers to the session chair and discussants no later than December 1st, 2023. All session participants must register for the 2024 ASSA annual conference.


Qihong Liu and Mo Xiao

Co-Chairs, CES Sessions at the 2024 ASSA Conference


