Report on Gregory Chow Fund, 2006-2007

Title Report on Gregory Chow Fund, 2006-2007
Date 2007-09-12
File Report on Gregory Chow Fund by Prime 0607.doc

Report on Gregory Chow Fund, 2006-2007
Submitted by Penelope Prime
August 30, 2007
Received Permission to Spend:                                       $14,000
Teaching                                                                            $12,000
Gregory Chow Best Paper Award                                        $2,000
Actual Expenses:
Teaching Fellowships:  ($2,400 each)                                 $12,000
1. Professor Qingbin Wang, University of Vermont, taught Quantitative Management Science at Ningxia University.
2. Professor Tony Fang, York University, taught Labor Economics & Human Resource Management at Shandong University.
3. Professor Zili Yang, State University of NY, Binghamton, taught Resource & Environmental Economics at Beijing Forestry University.
4. Professor Sheng Xiao, Furman University, taught Econometrics at Southwest University of Finance & Economics, Chengdu.
5. Professor Liangzhi You, International Food Policy Research Institute, taught Evaluation of Agricultural R&D at Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan.
Gregory Chow Best Paper Award                                     $2000
    At the CES Changsha conference, July 27-30, 2007, the board awarded two best paper awards to Juan Feng and Xiaoqiang Cheng.  Each award included a cash award of $1000 and a framed certificate. 
Balance:                                                                           $0.00