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Announcement of CES 2017 Election Results

Title Announcement of CES 2017 Election Results
Date 2017-08-07

 Dear CES Members,

Thank you for your participation in the recent CES election. I am pleased to announce that the following will be working under the leadership of Adam Zhuo to lead CES to new heights in 2017-2018:

Cai Zongwu, University of Kansa

Board of Directors:
Qi Li, Agnes Scott College
Hsieh Edward, California State University, Los Angeles
Wu Huaqing, Hefei University of Technology
Lin Carl, Bucknell University
Gao Guodong, University of Maryland
Luo Zijun, Sam Houston State University

Congratulations to these new executive members of CES, and our thanks to them for agreeing to bear the burden of the responsibilities of stewardship.

Warm regards,
Wing Thye Woo
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